Say what you like about Gaddafi - his cruelty, his nepotism, his incompetence, his vanity, his sheer vileness - but at least he knew how to roll like an over-the-top Bond villain. Our wannabe dictator can’t even handle that much.
I highly recommend the Behind the Bastards episode(s?) about Gaddafi. Some of the funniest. Dude just ineptly YOLO’d himself into dictatorship and being maybe the richest guy on the planet.
I wouldn’t mind some hot women commandos
Wish granted. President Trump announces the creation of a new federal agency, the HBG. All members are 6 feet tall, blonde, and have DD’s. Their service uniform is an American flag bikini. Glory to the emperor.
Ok well it’s been fun guys but I think I’m switching to red team now.
No it ain’t. I’d never buy a car from Trump.
And the poor soul who did would find that Trump’s Exclusive Clunkers went bankrupt before they could ship the car to them.