Linux vs Windows being head to head on performance is crazy. The conversation around desktop Linux is changing, and more and more people are listening!

Thank you to for this great article on Forbes about our performance, to for being a wonderful platform to enable this, to the Fedora contributors for literally making Fedora Linux, and to the Linux community at large! 🚀


#Fedora #Framework #Linux #Gaming #OpenSource

  • Andy
    29 days ago

    Hah yes! Constantly running spyware and bloatshit to gather behavioural data from your users so that you can more credibly sell your prediction models and compete with Google - who would have thought that would slow an operative system down! Well done Microsoft, fuck yourself I’m never touching your ick ever again!

    Also, Linux rocks. And the amount of personal investment next to day jobs that goes into making it work. This is what makes the world go around. Not goddamn capitalism and billionare dimwits and their even dimmer police forces.