From what I saw Cosmic has a lot of potential and looks pretty sleek too, right now I’m using KDE it’s a great desktop, but now that I have a second monitor it randomly crashes on me, I think I’ll switch to Cosmic when it reaches beta.
From what I saw Cosmic has a lot of potential and looks pretty sleek too, right now I’m using KDE it’s a great desktop, but now that I have a second monitor it randomly crashes on me, I think I’ll switch to Cosmic when it reaches beta.
For me it is the language it’s written in: Rust. Now I can participate, fix bugs and implement new apps with the language I know the best.
Some people might also say less crashes, less vulnerabilities and all that, but for me the first part is the most important.
Qt and gtk both have rust bindings though?
Yep, but QT’s object model and its being written in C++ makes it super cumbersome to use in Rust. GTK is better here due to it being written in C, but the direction it’s taking in GTK4 is not really great, and having a safe Rust UI toolkit is a huge win for the community.
Cosmic being fully Rust means I can just take one project from them, and immediately start working on it with cargo and all the familiar tools. It’s not as easy with C or C++ projects in Gnome and KDE.
I think it’s great we have some competition in this space, everybody wins.
I think this rust only thing is gonna screw them on the long term. You really don’t want that for app development, it might be a good choice for low level stuff and security sensitive things like browsers; but other than that you’re severely hampering your contribution sources and increasing the development time. Color me skeptic but I see this going the same way unity did.
More than C or C++? I’ve been working on very effective and performing Rust teams professionally now about a decade and I tend to disagree.
The problems come when you don’t support anything other than rust. Higher level languages are better suited for trivial applications. Rust isn’t exactly a very popular language either so you’re not going to attract contributions from random Joe #3. Cosmic’s best hope is to attract the attention of the big players and get enterprise support, because random users just don’t give a shit about the security upsides of Rust and will judge the DE solely based on its looks and features.
They use Rust for app dev already. Pretty sure they know what they are biting off.