I’m on a local government board. At the beginning of the meeting we all have to state our names and positions for the transcription. It is, by far, the most stressful portion of every meeting.
I don’t have the exact same situation, but in meetings where I have to introduce myself, I spend the first half of the meeting listening for my name (so I know when to introduce myself) and the second half of the meeting recovering. As a result, I never know who anyone else is.
This also applies to status reports at scrums.
It is almost as if real-time voice communication is a fundamentally bad way to exchange important information in a large group.
I hate this. I sometimes try to repeat people’s name out loud immediately 5 times in a row to help burn it in my brain.
I also am kind of bad at names.
I was at a meetup the other day where they thankfully gave out name tags. Unfortunately the woman who I was talking to stuck hers right on her sizable boob, so I think she thought I kept ogling her chest.
Too real
Look, if we shake hands? Your name is immediately thrown into the void. You will forever be “Oh hey!” to me.
For me it’s more like “forgot to listen” rather than “forgot the name”.
Same, because I’ll forget to tell them my name too
When people think you’re dying, they really, really listen to you, instead of just…Marla Singer:
- instead of just waiting for their turn to speak?
I like to tilt one ear towards them and say “Sorry, can you repeat your name? I’m a bit deaf.”
(I’m not deaf.)
I cannot stop laughing at this.
Lol fuck I’ve done this so many times