Today Monero is listed as a front-page trending coin on Coinmarketcap
But it isn’t rising that much ($148.81 from the low of $137), it’s just that it didn’t collapse with coins primarily traded on centralized exchanges. Monero’s attitude of “use it” over hodl & leverage keeps it stable.
And special to this situation, as I’ve written about earlier, this entire collapse is triggered by Japanese yen carry trades. Monero’s history of being banned from the Japanese exchanges, makes it so that very few people long XMR/JPY on leverage
It’s still crazy to me that proton picked btc instead of monero for their wallet. It should’ve either been xmr only, or xmr + btc, like cakewallet does
Not suprised, look at tails. You’d think by now monero has proved itself. Everyones gutless except the monero devs.
They larp as a private company.
Cakewallet led me to scammers :( Blaming my own stupidity afterwards but still …
It’s because the Khazarian bankers are behind Proton, as deep state as it gets.