What about plain old
x = -10
?-10 ^ 2 = 100
-10 ^ 3 = -1000
-10 ^ 5 = -100000Isn’t that the joke?
That’s what he wrote, I imagine.
It is, but with imaginary numbets
i² = -1 so…
Nothing gets past you eh?
people being pedantic showoffs doesn’t really register as humor for me, TBH
That’s true, the OOP is being quite snarky with their comment on a post where someone’s had a genuine basic doubt
Yeah exactly you’re right, why overcomplicate the problem like the Reddit comment did? I guess that’s just typical Reddit thinking that being pendantic and using lots of fancy words and long explanations makes you smart.
Nah just boiler plate autism.
That was my immediate thought too.
When all you have is an imaginary hammer, everything looks like a rotation around the imaginary unit circle.
Explanation of maths
x = -10, i = √-1 so i² = -1 and 10i²=-10
Found the math but no explanation.
The squareroot of 100 is ±10.
IIRC, your spoilery “so” is the other way round. The right side is the definition, and the left-hand side a layman’s shorthand, as the root operator isn’t defined on negative numbers.
I might very well be wrong. My being a mathematician has been over for a while now, my being a pedantic PITA not though.
I don’t know enough to know how correct your pedantry is (technically or not), but to explain the meme it made sense to go through the symbols in the order you see them. I never got any points from the proof questions in exams anyway.
that is a very long way to write -10
My brain
It hurts
That’s because the explanation was about 10 times as complicated as it needs to be
Math pun intended?
He is trolling with overcomplicating
No definition what values are suitable for x.
x has to be -10, right? Or am I missing something?
Yeah, I think the point is that the person answering was wrong/over complicating. If x=10i, then x^2 would be -100 (or potentially -10 depending on what you think the ^2 is applied to).
They said x=10i^2, not 10i. Difference is it equals -10, and they chose not to simplify.
They’re correct, it’s just overcomplicated as fuck in ways that are correct but completely irrelevant to the question.
Depends on what are the allowed values for x are. Real numbers, complexe numbers, binary or I made up my own numbers ;)
The answer in the meme (10i^2) is -10
Probably what they were going for, but there are literally an infinite number of exotic arithmetic spaces you could ask this question in. For example, x=10 works in any ring with a modulus greater than 100 and less than 1000.
fortunately math problems are administered in the context of the class, so it will be pretty obvious that it’s in the complex plane.
What an extremely unnecessary explanation. As a math teacher I would have deducted points for this answer.
“show your work”
Malicious compliance intensifies
Unless I was in that clas where we had to write mathematical proofs. I HATED those. Sure, you solved the question but write out this complicated reason for why your answer is the correct answer.
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import math