Over the next few years as relays gain features we need a list of good relays. This post aims to be a posted list of relays which are known to not shadow ban, censor conservative thought, and or participate in shitty controlling behavior. Each one needs to be verified by known users. Post will be permasticked and updated with suggestions from comments below.

  1. wss://relay.nostrwolf.com

  2. wss://nostr.fbxl.net

3 wss://nostr.donky.social

  • lefte@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    Getting the following error from the Gossip OSX client:

    2023-08-25T16:47:47.783318Z WARN src/overlord/minion/mod.rs:125: wss://relay.nostrwolf.com/: Unable to parse response as NIP-11 (Invalid Public Key Prefix at line 1 column 219): {"name":"NostrWolf Relay","description":"relay powered by the relayer framework","pubkey":"~","contact":"~","supported_nips":[9,11,12,15,16,20,33],"software":"https://github.com/fiatjaf/relayer","version":"~","icon":""}