They have approximately now lost over 5000 subscribers which equates to about $25000 per month or $300000 per year in lost revenue.
They have approximately now lost over 5000 subscribers which equates to about $25000 per month or $300000 per year in lost revenue.
Good, hopefully more follow. Floatplane subs have to be LMG’s most loyal audience. This is kinda surprising considering the amount of LMG apologists in reddit & LTT forums. Their level of shilling for a company is kinda unreal.
Also fuck LMG’s “investigation.” Seems like just some diversion that will result in “we found no evidence of anything” and to say they did something. Typical corporate BS.
Everything Madison said has been corroborated by another ex-employee, it aligns with her glassdoor review of last year, aligns with other anonymous employee coming forward exposing LMG’s toxic culture, and it’s supported by other bits and pieces of recordings. None of these parties are profiting by coming forward, on the contrary they are exposing themselves to the cult that is LMG’s fanbase (which drove a kid and his mom to suicide before).
Unless LMG comes up with damning evidence proving everything wrong then anyone with half a brain will see through their bullshit.
I’m condemning LMG like the next guy, but it would be good to reserve judgement until after the reports are published, at which point we can assess whether the investigation was done impartially or was biased and tampered with. The reality is, we just don’t have any evidence for either side, aside from testimonials. I’m interested in seeing what comes out of the investigation and will raise hell if the investigation is not properly conducted.
This is social media, not a court of law. My standard of determination on where my money goes and what content I watch doesn’t need to be beyond a reasonable doubt.
Fair point. If you are indeed paying LMG in any form, especially floatplane sub, that is absolutely your prerogative for sure
Those people can simply resubscribe if LTT is exonerated so it’s not like it’s a death sentence.
They never said people can’t do that, but saying that the investigation with be bad before it has even started is just jumping to conclusions.
There are so many stories about them having a toxic workplace. Happy employees generally don’t record all hands meetings on sensitive subjects, which occured after that onr employee left. It’s pretty safe to say it’s a toxic environment and investigations will simply reveal the degree of toxicity. I don’t blame anyone who wants to donate money to toxic people.
Allegations kickstart an investigative process to validate or invalidate a claim. I’m not at all saying that the allegations might not be true (before anyone misconstrues my position). But saying “it’s pretty safe to say it’s s toxic environnement and investigating will reveal the degree of toxicity” is jumping to conclusions.
Allegations and stories are NOT evidence. They are claims that need to be verified. This is why, before the days of DNA testing, so many people were wrongly convicted.
The probability is high that LMG has institutional toxicity. I’m just saying to allow for due process before passing judgement. And once everything is on the table, go HAM.
They have responded poorly to some of the allegations. This isn’t some court system where exemplary evidence is required for conviction. If I think people are acting sketchy then I don’t really care about supporting them.
And that’s your prerogative lol. I just personally choose to follow due process prior to judgement. Otherwise, I would be repeating the same mistake Linus did (continuously), which is a pre-mature emotional response. Doesn’t mean it has to be followed by everyone, and vice versa.
Yeah. That is some straight up bullshit.
Do you know why the phrase “believe victims”/“believe women” are so important?
Because the legal system constantly fails. Unless there is security camera footage or former employees willing to completely torpedo their own careers, there is no evidence that assault or even abuse happened. And considering Madison mentions discussion of a “verbal” agreement, the abusers know this. They don’t put stuff in writing. So anything she says will be “hearsay”.
Its the same with rape. Abusers are not idiots. They aren’t going to swoop in, beat up a crowd of people, and carry their target away. They pick targets who are off on their own or who “have a reputation”. And then, even if you get a rape kit done IMMEDIATELY, all that really proves is “Well, you two had sex and it was rough. Since you are a slut, you probably asked for it”
This shit happens all the time. And on the off chance someone pushes it to the point of an investigation or even a court trial: They are demolished because every single thing they ever did in their life is used to characterize them as a lying skank and so forth. And the abusers generally have really good lawyers and a judge who feels “boys will be boys”
Nobody is saying you need to run up and put Linus and James and anyone else in chains. But maybe you should fucking listen to victims, who know they are pretty much ruining their reputation and likely hurting job prospects because now “they will tattle over any little thing”, rather than insisting that due process will sort it all out.
Because, even if LMG were REAL fucking stupid and put all of this in writing, saved all the tapes, and have employees who never want to work in media or “tech” again: Best case scenario, one or two people get thrown under the bus and then the company moves on like this never happened. All while people pat themselves on the back for waiting for a “proper investigation”. Ubisoft is a great example of this.
Because, as it stands? Others have already corroborated Madison’s story to at least some degree. And this is not the first time someone has said they felt uncomfortable interacting with Linus and/or LMG because of the “boy’s club” mentality.
This shit is right up there with Enlightened Centrism in terms of enabling horrific shit. Do better.
I think that’s fair and respect your decision to do so.
I’m sorry, what?
Explained in the other comment
Wait, what? Do you have a link to anything about this?
Maybe it was his dad, not entirely sure, but it was real. You can see linus comment on the post from the kids parent:
From what I know the kid had a YT channel, and their parent bought a silver YT play button from the NCIX auction years ago. Linus wanted the button back and they refused. Basement dwellers and bootlickers then proceeded to harass the kid in every way possible contributing to their suicide (and their parent’s suicide).
Was the Mindchop channel about video games? If so I recall watching a video about the NCIX auctions. I recall the mission being to buy back the youtube play button from Linus’ early days there.
I was watching due to the local uproar in the media of all of the customer data on the servers being sold to the highest bidder at the time. Being a former customer of NCIX for my personal system builds I wasn’t excited about this.
I thought this guy was an adult if it is the same thing I was thinking about. It was spun as the guy built a cool smaller channel and couldn’t get his play button for reasons I didn’t understand and at the time of the video Linus decided the guy should have it as his channel was pretty cool. Since I wasn’t a rabid LTT viewer I never saw anything more about it and honestly I probably didn’t see another LTT video for a while after that.