(Some) ignorant leftbros: “Class first! No idpol!”

Scholars of right wing politics/economics: “All these right-wing thinkers are much more comfortable thinking about the blurred lines between sexual and economic politics than many thinkers on the left. And they understand that Keynesianism rests on a certain kind of sexual contract. Any challenge to this order—whether it be an escalation of wage or benefit claims, or the flight from sexual normativity, or unmarried women claiming welfare benefits—disrupts the fiscal and monetary calculus on which Keynesianism rests.”

Above remark from “The Extravagances of Neoliberalism”, an interview of Melinda Cooper (author of “Counterrevolution: Extravagance and Austerity in Public Finance”) by Benjamin Kunkel, in The Baffler.

Archived, no paywall link: https://archive.is/pLYsA#selection-929.1-929.479

Original link: https://thebaffler.com/latest/extravagances-of-neoliberalism-kunkel

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