It is 1.85 dollars a month if one pays for 3 years. I am looking into ways of saving money so I was thinking into switching. However, I am a bit worried since 3 years ago I did the same with Nord VPN and it is sooo buggy. It rarely ever works for me. I had to switch to ProtonVPN after paying for 3 years for Nord 💀.

    1 year ago

    Insecure by WHOM? Same imperialist who say NYT is news and TASS is “Putin propaganda”?

    Yes, exactly. I only use a VPN service that was personally approved by Joe Biden. By whom I mean in general, no matter where I looked people were suspicious of such services. For example, telegram channel VCHK-OGPU wouldn’t let you message them from your Russian email, because, as they claim, data from Russian inboxes can be very easily purchased. I’m in no position to claim I’ve personally verified every Russian service so that’s why I suggested you showing me some trustable one

    Your claim about Russia being too poor is almost offensive

    I don’t consider it offensive but deeply saddening. Years of the rule of bourgeoisie made the gap between the richest and the poorest huge.

    Russian Federation government uses Kaspersky AV to defend against NATO cyberwarfare units which are best funded in the world so then I trust it.

    AV wouldn’t help them to defend against NATO cyberwarfare units, because those would most likely use 0-day exploits

    If anything, US-based services can afford to be worse because they are not targetted by US government in same way and already have backdoors for NSA.

    Source? NSA is really nosy, but I don’t think they bother with backdooring every VPN service in Western countries.

    I looked up transparency reports and they cooperate with zero governments for personal datas.

    If the US says they are the good guys you wouldn’t trust them, yeah? So why are you trusting Kaspersky claiming they don’t cooperate with governments? Telegram claims they don’t cooperate with governments, yet it does. Often. Can you find any info about third-party audits of Kaspersky VPN? On the page you linked it literally says there are cases when they will cooperate with governments. Do they do any precautions to make that data useless to be used against its users?

    However even if Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Xi Jinping were personally viewing your data, who cares? Russia doesn’t send death squads to kidnap you from your home for being communist anti-imperialist. It is the USA and its NATO pals who do this.

    So who cares if Joe Biden was personally viewing your data? Don’t make me laugh, if we think in that terms then anything goes because nobody is going to send a “death squad” after you for posting on a ML instance of 13k members

    Russia doesn’t send death squads to kidnap you from your home for being communist anti-imperialist.

    Why was Boris Kagarlitsky (marxist philosopher) arrested? Why was Kirill Ukraintsev (trade union activist) arrested at the start of the war? Why do Russian marxists have to talk very carefully about their own views, in order not to provoke their countries’ gendermerie for being a communist?

    Your last paragraph is hilarious. There is one small issue with your point — Russia is still a bourgeoisie country, it doesn’t like marxists. It only likes you for as long as you support it and not its enemies but it wouldn’t fight for you and the very moment it gets rids of its enemies the bourgeoisie state will go after you.