(yes I know it isn’t technically a thinkpad but let me have my stupid gay puns)
Coding web-based erotic visual novels starring anthropomorphized music genres
Would we be able to see some examples?
If OP delivers
Use it as an excuse to wear the programming socks
Install a gameboy emulator and play pokemon on public transport with the volume up high
Spend 4 days configging it and then close it.
Seriously though you could throw Wireshark on it and learn about your network.
Porn NAS
Use it to run arch!
When I used arch (btw) the only thing I did was using arch. Configuring vim, the tiling wm, editing scripts to automate configuring arch. It was all circular. Arch is the best system for the task of configuring arch, tbh.
Where socks??
Install gentoo for the performance benefits*
*(Degrees of performance increase can vary no guarantees, any performance gained will be spent again preventing library conflicts updating the kernel and generally crying because compiling takes years)
Collaborating with revolutionaries to tear down capitalism and establish fully automated luxury gay space communism
Holy shit, that’s an old (and slow) CPU.
Install void Linux and i3wm, then exercise your signature look of superiority on arch Linux plebs.
Not using systemd is just setting yourself up for failure later
To be fair, I ran gentoo with openrc for 3 years and it was mostly fine. Init systems don’t matter that much.
What would be funny is to have the musl void run on OP’s beast.
I use alpine linux with musl and openrc. It’s an old laptop, so I use it only for torrenting and watching movies. Basic stuff work just fine. The only thing that doesn’t is Nvidia proprietary driver.
Average soystemd fan:
You could play a game of Global Thermonuclear War
You’re already doing it.
Restructure global economic systems.
Well, if it has an internet connection, then almost certainly porn