Get a better Premier.
Why should Ontario be obligated to be able to support half a million immigrants per year?
Elect provincial leadership that is willing to help advance our country forward.
Elect federal leadership that restricts immigration to a reasonable level
These are reasonable levels, so NO.
Over a million immigrants a year (bundling together actual immigration, international students, etc because they all take services, need housing and increase our carbon output) is reasonable?
Lol, no wonder this country is fucked
The country isn’t fucked. You dislike immigrants. It’s a YOU problem.
I have no issue with immgrants that we actually need, the problem is that we don’t actually need the vast majority of them. We need people like doctors and nurses, not unskilled labour like Tim Hortons workers
I’m not sure any province can. That’s one of the reasons rational people think the proposed numbers are insane. But immigrants will be bought and paid for voters, and they will supposedly help offset the tax-load needed to fund programs that provide for the aging boomer population.
Nevermind the houses/units we will need. Nevermind the aging parents those people may bring with them. Nevermind the wage stagnation, cultural conflicts, or lack of infrastructure.
Let’s keep this ponzi scheme going as long as possible. Screw sustainability.