Hi Mlem community,
UPDATE: the fix is now live on the App Store
We are aware of a bug in Mlem 1.1.1 that causes feeds on instances running Lemmy 0.19 to prematurely end. We have developed a fix, and it is currently awaiting App Store review. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for all your hard work and a wonderful app!
Thank you guys!
Excellent. I appreciate the update and the fix!
Will you push this build to TestFlight?
In the TestFlight version if you refresh the feed within a community all of the new posts vanish and older posts appear. Each time you refresh the posts get older and older until there are no posts left to display.
Thanks for the bug report! We’ve got a PR open to fix this, should be working in the next build.
Thank you for your responsiveness and work on the app. Should I continue reporting here? Or is there another avenue you would prefer?
Reporting here works well! You can also directly open GitHub issues, but there’s not much to choose between the two.
This also happens in my subscribed feed.