Insta-smashes all the windows
To prevent kids playing with power windows, and getting themselves caught, strangled, etc.
The button you press right before letting one rip
This is the right answer
It means you need to read your owners manual
The RTFM-button.
Does anyone reference their manual anymore? There’s lots of useful info there, including what all the symbols on the buttons and dash mean.
Also ntm this is a slightly older icon. I know what this is and I drive an ‘03 Camry.
Child lock for windows
Forces occupants to smell the drivers farts.
It’s the window delete button, pressing it deletes your windows.
Fuckin Apple fanatics buildin’ cars again
Deletes your door.
Lock windows
window lock
Power window lock!
The button is how divorces start. Don’t ever use this button if your wife is a passenger