Does anybody else have problems with go-ts-mode, especially when invoking fill-paragraph in a comment?
I use go-ts-mode on a daily basis!
When I switched to go-ts-mode I found a missing feature - so I contributed it! Here it is:
“Extend go-ts-mode with command to add docstring to function”
I’ve done similar contributions - I encourage you do to the same if there’s a feature that you need
You setup looks not so optimal. Here is mine
(use-package go-mode :ensure t :mode "\\.go\\'" :preface (defun vd/go-lsp-start() (add-hook 'before-save-hook #'lsp-format-buffer t t) (add-hook 'before-save-hook #'lsp-organize-imports t t) (lsp-deferred) ) :hook (go-ts-mode . vd/go-lsp-start) :bind (:map go-ts-mode-map ("RET" . newline-and-indent) ("M-RET" . newline) ) :config (add-to-list 'exec-path "~/.local/bin") (setq lsp-go-analyses '( (nilness . t) (shadow . t) (unusedwrite . t) (fieldalignment . t) ) lsp-go-codelenses '( (test . t) (tidy . t) (upgrade_dependency . t) (vendor . t) (run_govulncheck . t) ) ) ) (use-package go-tag :ensure t ) (use-package godoctor :ensure t )
It’s wired after I config go-ts-indent-offset to 4, the indent after } and ) still indent 8 spaces(I think it’s from electric-indent-mode), and content after treesit-check-indent also use 8 spaces, but bind RET to newline-and-indent is a workaround for me now, thanks.
Sorry, but after type ( it still indent current line to 8 space(not RET), I’m going to report a bug to emacs devel.
It works fine with
(electric-indent-mode -1)
and:custom (go-ts-mode-indent-offset 4)
I may be wrong, but placing the
(add-to-list 'treesit-language-source-alist
blocks in the:init
section will cause an error if you just place the entire use-package construct in an empty config. After all, at the init stage these alists are not there yet.