Nothing to say, i just love it
First of congratulations, if you are tech savvy by any means. I recommend Homebrew for downloading stuff without having to drag apps into your applications folder. I also highly recommend Rectangle if you want to recreate snap desktops in macOS
Maccydroid if you have an Android. Link :
Parallels lol
I recently got the MBP M3 Pro 14" 512gb - upgraded from MBP 13" retina early 2015 and as I’m trying to sort out my files, I found Dropover to be the best app to move files around in groups . You can put them together on what they call a shelf before moving files. They can stay there until you’re ready to move files.
You can try for 14 days and can purchase for just £4.99. I’m currently on the trial but I will definitely purchase this when it ends!
I highly recommend for you to try it out!! :)
Why wouldn’t you just use a folder instead of a shelf? What the heck?
Now I maybe an idiot and not picking up on the jokes, I’m back to Mac for the first time since Traumatic Brain Injury effected me in 2012 but I didn’t think that cleaner and app uninstallers were necessary? I had heard decades ago that they can slow down your Mac, am I wrong about that?
Make sure you have Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Garage Band, iMovie, and Safari.
Anything is just a bad knockoff.
on a serious note, it all depends on what you do with your machine. personally i like to swing for the open source projects that support what the native apple apps don’t: VLC vs. Quicktime, FireFox vs. Safari
Rectangle for Window Manager!
So people are recommending you apps without even asking what you’re using it for?
a lot of the apps being recommended are general utilities/productivity apps. I have seen several suggest specific use apps (VS Code/ Homebrew/ Parallels/ Xcode/etc.). These, even though they’re good suggestions, imo are out place because they assume a specific use case without asking first.
The FREE for personal use VMWare Fusion 13.5 Player will run Windows 11 ARM now with accelerated graphics and doesn’t limit you on cores and RAM like parallels.
For me :
- Rectangle fort shitty windowing in macos
- Brew as package manager that will make your life simplier if you have habit to work with the terminal
- Any cleaner like cleanmymac because of all “system data” junk left over by macos
They are essential for me
Brew is a must-have! Forgot that it wasn’t installed by default.
My suggestion list:
- MS Office
- Spotify
- Google Chrome
- VLC video player
- Quake 2 All other needs might be covered by default Apple apps.
You should really try IINA instead of VLC.
I know I could just research this but why do you say that?
The FREE for personal use VMWare Fusion 13.5 Player will run Windows 11 ARM now with accelerated graphics and doesn’t limit you on cores and RAM like parallels.
Rectangle or magnet for window management Amphetamine is great but better trust your dorm mate. Go into settings and allow 3 finger dragging of windows, i dont know why this isnt default it feels so natural. Figure out a knowledge graph, note taking, organization app like Notion or something. Its a learning curve but useful if you use it Get an ai whether thats Bing, a chatGPT plus account, or Visual code Blackbox, copilot or whatever Learn about Apple private relay and email generator built in to laptop that forwards to your icloud email. Great for privacy, controlling spam, protects in the least email identification from data breaches Safari has a built-in apple VPN figure out how to leverage it. Set up cmd+spotlight to launch spotlight. Configure spotlight to search all your stuff except your embarrassing private folders. So much easier to do a search than clicking nested folders and scrolling through an alphabetical list. Alfred is an upgrade to spotlight but I dont use it anymore
Bartender and magnet