The Communist Party of Kenya said in a statement issued Aug. 30 that it “strongly condemns their nation’s involvement in the impending occupation of Haiti.” It explicitly “condemns attempts to use a Black face to brutalize Haiti or any other nation by the members of the Core Group” and calls for the Kenyan parliament to “intervene in the actions being undertaken by the current administration.”

The statement concludes with “Long Live free, liberated Haiti! Long live the struggle for justice and liberation! In solidarity with the oppressed peoples of the world.” (

In the U.S., Black Alliance for Peace has issued a number of strong statements on Haiti. On Aug. 30, the organization wrote: “The Black Alliance for Peace stands in solidarity with the Haitian people’s constant call for disbanding the Core Group, for an arms embargo against the Haitian and U.S. elite who import guns into the country, for the end of support for Haiti’s installed puppet government, and for the reinstatement of the fuel subsidies removed by order of the IMF.”

The statement continues, “It is curious that the Core Group and US/UN are calling for military intervention while not making calls to build either hospitals or schools, or to build the infrastructure for power and clean water.” BAP calls on individuals and organizations to denounce and protest armed foreign intervention in Haiti. (