When Donald Trump illegally pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal in May 2018, he promised to secure a better arrangement through a policy of “maximum pressure” on the West Asian country. He did not get a better deal. Instead, Iran wrested back its bargaining chip by further increasing its enrichment of uranium.

Instead of breaking Iran, US sanctions pushed it to reorient its trade and diplomatic relations. It turned to its neighbors, like Saudi Arabia, and looked east to China and Russia. Iran joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS, two massive international organizations whose goal is to counterbalance the American-led unipolar world. Iran also signed a 25-year strategic and economic partnership with China, as well as a Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with Russia.

Iran didn’t capitulate to America: Iran turned away from America.

Engaging the US did not work for Iran: Trump unilaterally and illegally withdrew from the JCPOA nuclear agreement. Engaging the US did not work for Canada: they did everything the Trump administration asked for, virtually eliminating the fentanyl crossing the border; yet they will now feel the harsh pain of 25 percent tariffs.

Perhaps, with an emerging multipolar world awaiting them, America’s friends, like Canada, Mexico and the EU, fresh off a failure to accommodate the US in a quest for a better deal, can learn a lesson from America’s enemies.

  • tunetardis@lemmy.ca
    3 hours ago

    As repulsive a notion as this is, I think if there’s a lesson to be learned from the likes of Putin, it’s that Trump can be bought. Even Tim Cook realized this in throwing a token million bucks his way just to get him off his back. Whatever his price is, it’s less than the cost of an international trade war.

  • 60d@lemmy.ca
    4 hours ago

    We have a loose cannon in the white house, sure. But let’s not forget all the congreessmen and senators either, agreeing with his policies. Trump isn’t doing this stupid shit alone. All of Murca and 19% of Canadians are behind him.

    It’s time to turn away from them and look elsewhere. That time is now. We can’t afford to wait this out.

  • Sanctus@lemmy.world
    5 hours ago

    What you need to know is Donald fucken sucks at deals and is 100% vibes based, often fucking us and himself over egregiously.