Pallas’s cat
This is the only correct answer.
Don’t know quite how things would work out, but definitely domesticat the North American beaver because they’re one of the coolest animals and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Tigers are just big cats.
Red fox would be great assuming domesticated would render them not smelly xD
Assuming their domesticated enough to listen to my commands and ignore their pray drive, on like a magical level, Tiger. Hands down. I would go to the Renaissance Fair with them and commission a blacksmith to forge armor for them. I would ride it into battle whenever necessary.
Edit: I was also assuming no one else has a magically domestic animal. If everyone in this thread also has one, I’ll choose Rhinoceros
Donkey. Many have tried and gotten killed in the process.
Alternatively, Triceratops.
Fennec fox or fruit bat. Perhaps raccoon, or maybe otter. Seals are neat too if there’s water. There’s a lot honestly
Gorillas and monkeys. Just to watch them evolve. I think it would be nice to see them with glasses.
Is this what you want?
I was thinking more like the tv show The Umbrella Academy but this is definitely worth a laugh! I don’t know how to post a photo or I’d send you one back for reference. None the less if I see a monkey push up their glasses every so often as they slide down. I’d have to laugh.
Straight up, chill coconut,
x2 for the chillest little dudes
One that’s big enough to cuddle us. They also should get along fine in the increasingly small environments we are being shoved into. Having a newly domesticated animal that is limited to the ultra rich with giant estates is pointless, right? Bonus points if we can make it an environmental win as well.
Just about everything ‘big’ fails at being in an apartment though. Big cats, even the smaller ones among them, need more room. Same with bears, moose (cooool, dudes, am I right? Imagine lounging with a moose), elk, whales, dolphins… bah.
My idea, then? Giant birds. Big enough to lay on you when on the couch, but could be let loose to fly around while you’re at work. It would take an incredible amount of domestication to get them to go and come back, but if we’re talking hypotheticals and theoreticals and blue fantasy, I think giant birds would be the way to go. Take your pick of them. The steller’s sea eagle and especially the phillipine eagle speak to me, but I wouldn’t turn my nose up at a swan, a goshawk, or a red kite. Feed them well at home, pretend that during the domestication process we made the nesting area easy to clean, and imagine being able to set it loose on stupid fascist leaders.
Fruit bats. Just no ebola, please.
Red Panda. I want to steal one from the zoo every time I go.