Why the fuck are we funding the economy of an oil nation?
economy of an oil nation
Jordan doesn’t have oil tho…
Don’t let facts get in the way of knee jerk reactionaryism
It has shale oil, which is just oil that requires fracking.
Who has fracking equipment?
A lot of oil companies. I’m not too knowledgeable about African oil companies specifically, but we’ve been fracking for 70 years now, so I’d presume that they’d have access to the equipment too.
Jordan is southwest Asia. The amount of shale oil would certainly be beneficial to American oil interests. God help Jordan.
USAID has been extremely instrumental in implementing foreign policies that heavily favored US agendas.
I question that they favor US agendas. It sounds like wasting money to me.
I imagine there is some waste. And it’s fair for you to question that. Do you really believe the United States would give unconditional aid to any foreign power? Why/not?
Do you believe China would give unconditional aid to foreign powers? Why/not?
Frankly, I think it would behoove every citizen of every nation to be a bit skeptical of any foreign policies taken by any party in power and hold said parties to account.
To our allies, yes, NATO is a good example of it. And some unsupervised bureaucrats with an ideological bent? Absolutely. And USAID hasn’t seen a proper audit in a long time, they weren’t exactly being supervised properly.
And Id expect the same out of China, but they also have an actual predatory loan program. USAID is giving money away. It’s a bit of a difference.
There’s plenty more, if you cba to search. Idk about Google, parent company being Alphabet, but DDG provided plenty of returns. Also you can search the .ml server.
Countries shouldn’t fund other countries period. Just trade and for charity it should be done by private parties and not done with tax money.
Can we stop sending mega $ to Israel then?
Sure - same applies to Ukraine.
Those 35,000 people out of work are Jordan’s problem and Jordan can help them, not America. Eliminate all American spending in foreign countries on all people who are not American citizens holding American passports. Permanent residents do not qualify.
I’m not an American but the Marshall plan post WW2 is probably the most successful diplomatic and foreign investment program in history. It cemented us allies and deptors for decades. I doubt this 35000 jobs lost in Jordan will have the effect of 35000 American jobs being created nor do I think it will directly improve the lives of any Americans. I also think this makes room for other foreign interests to be established in Jordan, some of which may be geopolitical adversaries to the US such as China.
Personally I think this is a good thing because fuck the usa I’m still mad that they couped my countries (Australia) elected leader. But I am sympathetic to the hardships sure to arise because of this in Jordan.