It’s debatable whether this belongs in the Steam Deck community, but these are all high profile games, and having to login with additional online accounts is a significant barrier to play on the Deck.
Lol. That’s what happens when you fuck with the gamers of the internet. So proud of everyone who gave them shit.
holy FUCK this is HUGE NEWS
I literally staved off the urge to buy a PS5 for like a continuous 6 months because I knew this was coming some day and now some day is TOMORROW?!?!??!?
man I just got ff7r2 but I would have gotten spider man instead if I knew it would be so close
What about Helldivers 2?
It’s not the first time Sony has changed course, either. The firestorm of gamer outrage started with an account requirement for Helldivers 2, a team-based co-op shooter that went viral about a year ago. The response was so negative (players review-bombed the game) at that time that Sony ultimately backed down, opting not to enforce the requirement.
Oh, never mind. Apparently it’s gone.
well, that’s some good news. i’m currently replaying spider-man on my steam deck and it’s great. i really love that game. with that barrier off, i’d be really interested in playing spider-man 2. here’s hoping it runs on the deck. i doubt it will but i’d love to be proven wrong.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Specs Make Me Optimistic For Steam Deck Playability - Steam Deck HQ
Seems like there’s hope.
Personally I’m hoping to see some better sales on the first Spider-Man game once 2 comes out. Right now the lowest I think it goes is about $30, but judging from God of War sales after Ragnarok released, I think that will come down to $15-20 after Spiderman 2 comes out.
Good, but its too late. I don’t care for those games anymore. At least I might check future games out. This should have been done day one.
Oh yeah i keep forgetting to pirare some of the games that sony thinks my people should not have the right to buy.
Don’t forget they did the same exact play when Helldivers released. They didn’t have it in at first, put it in, and took it back out.
This means they will continuously try and try to make this the norm. I see a lot of comments talking about buying the games now, and I just want to reiterate that they will try this exact same thing again after a few months to even a year or two. Don’t get complacent.
Tbf, didn’t helldivers have it right at launch but the overwhelming popularity crashed the servers so they nixed it. Then they tried to re-add it and the community revolted and they made it optional permanently?
Yup. I like to think that was the catalyst for this current event.