I wonder how long till Reddit admins get pissy over blocking the nazi site.
Huffman is just another american technology oligarch. It is in his interest to spread corruption and undermine rule of law.
Are you joking about him being a robot or what?
Missed the word “oligarch”. 😆
Spez was complimenting Twitter, so its not out of the question.
Inb4 even more “fuck u/spez” spam happens.
Zeps/u kcuf
I doubt they’ll care, if only due to self-interest. Most of the corporate sites are trying to ban or deprioritize links because they don’t want people to leave their site and stop viewing their ads.
If Reddit gamers are calling someone else ‘hateful’ and ‘toxic,’ you know it’s got to be bad.
Yeah, I’m not usually someone who’s anti-Reddit (in terms of the users, at least)…but the first sub I blocked was r/gaming, and the most negative users I ever interacted with were on r/AnimalCrossing and r/Nintendo.
I don’t understand how animal crossing players could be so negative lol
The internet can sometimes be a trying place, where the biggest fans are also the biggest critics and can’t think critically beyond pure hate.
I actually think federation will help this a bit, as breaking up fandoms into smaller better moderated pockets should help guide more civil discourse.
So, not saying I was necessarily the good guy here; it was from things like when I’d make pins about a low-effort post’s title, or poke fun at other low effort content (something like a picture of the game being played somewhere).
I’m no stranger to downvotes or even sarcastic or rude replies – fair game! But this was the only sub I’d ever had people telling me to kill myself or that they hoped I’d die, lmao
The juxtaposition was amusing more than offensive, and the mods did a good job of cleaning it up, but it was still something pretty unique to the Animal Crossing subreddit for me! Lol
Lmao what happened? I only ever had good experiences on those subs but then again I haven’t used Reddit in a few years
Nintendo subreddit would occasionally seem to have Nintendo supporters jump on someone who said something critical about Nintendo, and also anti-Nintendo people who’d jump on people who said positive things about consumer-unfriendly things (like enjoying the NSO emulated games).
I also had a thread where people attacked me for being a pirate when I first got my Switch used because I was asking how to check if it was console-banned before linking my Nintendo account to it, lol
As for Animal Crossing, I had multiple people tell me to kill myself (or that they hoped I die) when I made puns based on typos in low-effort post titles, or when I poked fun at posts whose only content was a picture of the game running on a Switch against a scenic background.
I’m not saying I was necessarily the good guy there, and I don’t care about downvotes or sarcastic replies, but when people were negative in those subs, they were downright vicious, lol
I was more shocked at the juxtaposition than actually offended, and the mods did a good job cleaning that stuff up when I reported it. But truthfully, the sub went downhill after the first year or two of ACNH. Probably when it went from mostly hardcore players to casuals, haha
Ugh. What is it with people acting like nazi’s when it comes to their interests? Like why can’t you enjoy something and be aware of its flaws? You criticize something even a little bit and people will call for your head and all this other psychotic toxicity. That’s shits been around since the original fandom of Star Trek TOS but you see it in every fandom out there. Why can’t people just be fucking normal and enjoy things in a healthy and positive way. Don’t get me wrong I think there’s more healthy engagements out there than toxic ones but there’s just so much of that in every fandom that it’s fucking crazy
I think it stems from insecurity. Everyone in the community has to like the same things the right way… because if not, then there isn’t a cohesive community that they belong to in their eyes.
They really take the PoE cheating seriously.
He targeted gamers!
reddit replacing mods in 3 … 2 …
To be clear: It wasn’t the behavior of X or Musk over the past year that caused this, when he was already clearly being a Nazi pushing Nazi propaganda, it was the Nazi Salute.
I’m glad people are finally blocking X and I’ll take wins where we can get them, but this should have happened a long time ago.
The behavior of X did not change after his salute, it was already operating as a Nazi platform. My opinion of Musk didn’t change after seeing his Nazi salute, I already knew he was a fascist supporting the fascist party. My only surprise was that he was already willing to say it louder for the people in the back that he’s a Nazi.
It’s so frustrating that people are so unwilling to call fascists fascists until they go completely mask off. Musk can exhibit every Nazi behavior and people keep using X no problem, but it’s the fucking salute that gets them to finally block the platform.
So do people hate Nazis because of what they stand for? Or do they just hate the Nazi salute? Because by all available information it’s the salute that might get someone in trouble, all the other behaviors get ignored or excused.
I didn’t think I was still capable of being shocked but the nazi salute at the president’s podium did actually shock me a little. They fuckers are not even trying to pretend any more. I would hope that this shit makes people avoid musk-related products like they’re a rabid rottweiler. I kinda feel bad for people who bought a Tesla years ago though. Also, spaceX has to be a national security issue now.
They fuckers are not even trying to pretend any more
They’re still trying to pretend:
Alternative explanations for the gesture are plausible. Musk is socially awkward, and he may have been stiffly trying to throw love to the crowd for helping put Trump back in office. “My heart goes out to you,” he said after he did the gesture a second time.
deleted by creator
I’ve got autism and I’m not doing sieg heil even when I want to stop a taxi. Let alone on the main fuckin stage of the US with the world watching. Fuckin nazis back in power.
Rolling stone? That’s disappointing. Yeah I’ve seen similar shit in the media. But I’m thinking if it acts like a nazi and looks like a nazi it is probably a fuckin nazi. it’s pretty fuckin alarming, a lot of people died getting rid of them last time they gained power.
All those “explanations” babbling about Musk’s “intentions”… aaah, when will they cut off the crap???
Like. Let’s pretend for a moment that Musk was totally trying to convey “my heart goes out to you” or crap like that. It doesn’t bloody matter - regardless of his “intentions”, the gesture conveys support to Nazism, and it’s the only sensible way to interpret it within that context.
If I somehow accidentally did a Nazi salute my first response would be “Oh my god, I am so sorry, that was not my intention. Nazi’s are bad and I denounce all Nazis.” Then I would explain what I was trying to do.
Musk hasn’t bothered with the apology or denouncing Nazis, because it wasn’t a mistake and he was saying it nice and loud for the people in the back.
The most generous interpretation for people defending it is that they know it was a Nazi salute and they are trying to maintain “plausible” deniability. The only other explanation is they are complete fucking morons.
He’s financing AfD and has agreed with tweets that Jewish people are trying to dovide the white race. He’s as fascist as fascists can be.
mask off, musk on
They might be motivated by political views, fact checking, etc, but the subreddits I’ve seen discussing it (baseball, Iowa) are focusing on the fact that you need an account to see anything now. Screenshots from X would still be permitted; just not direct links due to the degree of interaction with the site required to view the material.
It’s sound reasoning, in my opinion. X either links you to an actual source or is a short post easily captured in a screenshot.
r/republican is melting down over the removal/no more Twitter links thing
Really, what don’t those people melt down over. They’re reactionaries, they by essence have to melt down over everything.
Fuck em.
It’s not totally insane reasoning but, like, people can just downvote links to Twitter if they want to, and/or use an extension to automatically redirect to a Nitter instance. The only people actually affected by censoring Twitter community-wide is those who would want to look at the context.
Or those who don’t want to see it but aren’t technical or motivated enough to fix it themselves
I think it’s way worse to keep information from someone who wants to see it, than to let it be seen by someone who would prefer not to see it but isn’t motivated enough to do something about it. Sort of by construction, actually - if the latter category really didn’t want to see Twitter links, they would have done it themselves.
I think keeping fascist content away from unsuspecting people is good, actually
…we’re talking about a ban of links to Twitter on a gaming subreddit. Those links would be to, like, game news. That’s not “fascist content”.
Fair, but the website still promotes it and requires you to log in to see the link contents, thus exposing you to the other content.
Didn’t nitter shut down like 2 years ago or something
Was it as long ago as that? xcancel.com still works, if you can’t live without your fix of Baalbuddy.
I stopped using twitter way longer than that, tbh I’m basically gone from most social media
Twitter used to be more interesting and I talked with a lot of people. Nowadays it’s pretty devoid
It very nearly did, but there’s, like, 2 working instances with heavy ratelimits.
Ah, the landed gentry is overstepping their boundaries again.
Uh-oh, reddit also deleted a top comment for recommending Lemmy - are they Good or Evil? Binary thinker brains asplode!
…and what is Reddit?
A miserable pile of secrets
insert screenshot of several entire threads of scrubbed comments
Is that why they started collapsing 90% of the comments? It’s super annoying now having to go through and expand them all.
Bad, but not nearly Twitter bad.
Reddit had communities dedicated to pedos and an incredibly toxic Trump community long before Twitter started getting a bad rep.
For sure…
But, IDK, i think modern Twitter is worse than modern reddit. That said i havnt been on reddit since the migration.
They’ll block x for a week and will go right back to using it.
Yeah, if they were serious about this kind of thing, they wouldn’t be on Reddit anymore in the first place.
It’s the pot calling the kettle black.
I thought the biggest PC gaming sub was /r/pcmasterrace ?
They had to shutdown because master race was in the title.
It is
Rpcgaming is the biggest? Never heard of it
I do all my gaming through Remote Procedure Calls.
For when playing Nethack over telnet just has unacceptable protocol overhead, it’s time to bust out some RPC.
Thank God it’s not just me
That is giving off a malding leftist mods vibe.