“We are really hurting for money so we are finally going to try tapping into our goldmine back-catalog, not to actually make a good game, but to cash in on the easy cash grab of nostalgia purchases a remake will bring in since those are all the rage right now.”
easy cash grab
You said it
I just want them to finish the beta 2D version of Rayman 2. I was so excited when I unlocked the demo for it at the end of Rayman 2, thinking it was a sneak preview for the next game, only be disappointed to learn it was the scrapped initial concept instead…
3D Rayman games are good, but they feel like a completely different series when compared to the bright, colorful world of Rayman 1. The newer 2D ones are closer, but still feel too different.
We’ve had a lot of 2d ones recently though. I’d love to see a return of the 3d format for at least one game.