This is the kind of apology that more company should be releasing. The kind that admit fault entirely, and beg you not to leave. And since this was an unprecedented event, it’s the first time Google has ever apologized in this manner
They only apologized because the customer they risk losing controls billions of dollars in assets
The customer was UniSuper, a $125B Superfund. It was not the confused Grandma in the thumbnail.
lol I was scratching my head at that choice as well.
I think maybe the grandma in the picture is supposed to represent one of the pensioners with an account at UniSuper who couldn’t access their account for a week due to the outage
I just wonder how the hell you manage to ‘accidentally’ delete an entire tenant lol, it’s not an easy thing to do even normally
“account being deleted, something that had never happened to Google Cloud before.”
10$ says this has happened before but to a tiny customer who couldn’t get google to care.